■ 发表论文
1. Yan Chen, Zhilong Xie, Wenjie Zhang, Rong Xing, Qing Li (2020). Quantifying the Effect of Real Estate News on Chinese Stock Movements. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade:1-26. 2. Qing Li, Yan Chen, Jun Wang, Yuanzhu Chen, Hsinchu Chen (2018): Web Media and Stock Markets: A Survey and Future Directions from a Big Data Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 30 (2), 381-399. 3. Yan Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Qing Li. The effect of real estate news on Chinese stock markets. Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development, 2018.10. 4. Wenjie Zhang, Yan Chen, Peiyu Li, Yun Xu, Haichao Zheng H. The Antecedents and Consequences of Crowdfunding Investors' Citizenship Behaviors-an Empirical Research on Motivations and Stickiness. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2017.07.19. 5. Hua Zhang, Jun Wang, Yan Chen, Jinghua Tan, Qing Li. Research on Automatic Identification of Rumors in Stock Forum Based on Machine Learning. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2017.07.19. 6. Jun Wang, Yan Chen, Yang Tang, Qing Li. The effect of Rumor Clarification on Chinese Stock Markets. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2016.06.27.
■ 参与项目 1. 博士研究生科研课题项目:证券市场媒体影响力量化分析平台构建,时间:2019.01-2019.12,负责人; 2. 西南财经大学优秀博士学位论文建设项目:基于大数据的互联网媒体对证券市场影响研究,时间:2017.12-2021.06,负责人; 3. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:基于大数据的互联网媒体对证券市场影响研究,编号G011203 ,管理学部,时间:2017.1–2020.12,参研。
■ 学术活动 1. 主讲:Yan Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Qing Li. The effect of real estate news on Chinese stock markets. Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development, 2018.10. 2. 参会:Wenjie Zhang, Yan Chen, Peiyu Li, Yun Xu, Haichao Zheng H. The Antecedents and Consequences of Crowdfunding Investors' Citizenship Behaviors-an Empirical Research on Motivations and Stickiness. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2017.07.19. 3. 参会:Hua Zhang, Jun Wang, Yan Chen, Jinghua Tan, Qing Li. Research on Automatic Identification of Rumors in Stock Forum Based on Machine Learning. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2017.07.19.
■ 其他成果 1. 2017年国家奖学金 2. 2018年唐立新光华菁英奖学金