■ 教授简介
王涛,现任西南财经大学经济信息工程学院信息管理与信息系统系主任。2012年博士毕业于韩国忠南国立大学管理学院,目前主要研究方向包括互联网金融与信息披露、金融科技与用户行为、企业智能与知识管理等。现为四川省华侨华人学会理事、成都市新侨联常任理事、西南财经大学新侨联理事、国家自然科学基金项目评议人、四川省海外高层次留学人才、Association for Information Systems (AIS) 会员等。王涛主持或参与了多项国家自然科学基金等项目,并担任Information Systems Journal (SSCI检索)、Electronic Commerce Research & Applications (SSCI检索)、Behaviour & Information Technology (SSCI检索)、Online Information Review (SSCI检索)、Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SCI检索)、Industrial Management & Data Analysis(SCI检索)、Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI检索)、Journal of Business Research (SSCI检索)等国际期刊审稿。担任The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Track Chair, The 7th International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG) Session Chair,The 22nd International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) Track Chair等。
■ 研究领域 互联网金融信任、承诺、风险与信息披露(Trust, Commitment, Risk and Information Disclosure Issues in Internet Finance); 电子商务与社交商务转换成本(Switching Cost Issues in EC and SC); 企业智能与客户关系、供应链管理(Enterprise Intelligence and Customer Relationship & Supply Chain Management); 信息系统接纳与用户行为(IS Adoption and Consumer Behavior); 电子支付安全与模型(Electronic Payment Security and Model); Web2.0与企业2.0社交应用(Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 Social Applications); 客户知识转移与客户智能(Customer Knowledge Transfer and Customer Intelligence)
■ 教育背景 2008.3-2012.8 韩国忠南国立大学管理学院,生产管理•MIS专业,博士 2005.8-2008.2 韩国岭南大学管理学院,信息管理专业,硕士 1999.9-2003.7 华中师范大学计算机学院,计算机科学与技术专业,学士
■ 职业经历 2013.1-至今 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院,教师 2010.6-2011.3 韩国中小企业厅,出口中心职员 2008.9-2009.12 韩国忠南国立大学,助理研究员
■ 荣誉奖励 2016年 PACIS Best Paper Nominee 2014年 ICMeCG Best Paper Award 2014年 湖北省经贸工会颁发的“湖北省建材行业技术革新奖” 2012年 中国教育部颁发的“2011国家优秀自费留学生奖学金” 2009年 韩国教育部颁发的“韩国政府外国留学生奖学金”
■ 讲授课程 本科生:供应链管理、互联网金融、专业经典文献研读、金融智能、大学计算机基础、电子商务学科导论、信息管理与信息系统学科导论; 研究生:金融智能研究与实践、商务智能专题、互联网金融、数值分析、结构方程模型与数据分析、金融智能
■ 研究成果 王涛在学术期刊及国际会议上共发表论文40余篇,其中SSCI & SCI期刊论文 (包括 Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, Online Information Review, Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Business Research, Behaviour & Information Technology, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research等) 11篇;EI期刊论文(包括International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, International Journal of Smart Home等)2篇;PACIS国际会议论文11篇; EI国际会议论文4篇;2010年之后发表的部分论文目录如下(*标识为通讯作者,#标识为高引论文)。
1. Wang, T., Li, Y.L.*, Kang, M.H. and Zheng, H.C. “Exploring Individuals’ Behavioral Intentions toward Donation Crowdfunding: Evidence from China”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, Vol.119 No.7, pp.1515-1534. 2. Wang, T., Liu, X.W.*, Kang, M.H. and Zheng, H.C. “Exploring the Determinants of Fundraisers’ Voluntary Information Disclosure on Crowdfunding Platforms: A Risk-perception Perspective”, Online Information Review, 2018, Vol.42 No.3, pp.324-342. 3. Ding, Y. and Wang, T.* “Applying Push-Pull-Mooring Framework to Investigate SNSs Switching Behavior”, International Journal of Information Communication Technology and Digital Convergence, 2018, Vol.3 No.2, pp.1-19. 4. Zheng, H.C., Xu, B.*, Zhang, M. and Wang, T. “Sponsor’s Co-creation and Psychological Ownership in Reward-based Crowdfunding”, Information Systems Journal, 2018, Vol. 28 No.6, pp. 1213-1238. 5. Zheng, H.C., Xu, B.*, Wang, T. and Chen, D.Y. “Project Implementation Success in Reward-Based Crowdfunding: An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2017, Vol.21 No.3, pp.424-448. 6. Liu, Y.Y., Zhao, J.N., Wang, T.* and Kang, M.H. “Understanding the Mediating Role of Trust in Explaining Initiators’ Signing Intentions on Crowdsourcing Platforms”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2017, Vol.8 No.3, pp.165-184. 7. Zheng, H.C., Xu, B.*, Wang, T. and Xu, Y. “An Empirical Study of Sponsor Satisfaction in Reward-based Crowdfunding”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2017, Vol.18 No.3, pp.269-285. 8. Kim, C., Kang, M.H.* and Wang, T. “Influence of Knowledge Transfer on SNS Community Cohesiveness”, Online Information Review, 2016, Vol.40 No.7, pp.60-69. 9. Kang, M.H., Gao, Y.W., Wang, T.* and Zheng, H.C. “Understanding the Determinants of Investment Intention on Crowdfunding Platform: A Trust-based Perspective”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2016, Vol.116 No.8, pp.1800-1819. 10. Xu, B., Zheng, H.C.*, Xu, Y. and Wang, T. “Configurational Paths to Sponsor Satisfaction in Crowdfunding”, Journal of Business Research, 2016, Vol.69 No.2, pp.915-927. 11. Kim, C., Lee, I., Wang, T.* and Mirusmonov, M. “Evaluating Effects of Mobile CRM on Employees’ Performance”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015, Vol.115 No.4, pp.740-764. 12. Kang, M.H., Gao, Y.W., Wang, T.* and Wang, M. “The Role of Switching Costs in O2O Platforms: Antecedents and Consequences”, International Journal of Smart Home, 2015, Vol.9 No.3, pp.135-150. 13. Wang, T., Jung, C.H.*, Kang, M.H. and Chung, Y.S. “Exploring Determinants of Adoption towards Enterprise 2.0 Applications: An Empirical Study”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 2014, Vol.33 No.10, pp.1048-1064. 14. Wang, T., Jung, C.H*. and Chung, Y.S. “Understanding the Determinants of Behavioral Intentions toward Adoption of Web2.0 Tools in Workplace: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management, 2011, Vol.18 No.3, pp.73-89. 15. Jung, C.H., Chung, Y.S., Wang, T.* and Piao, S.G. “Factors Affecting User’s Repurchase Intention towards Chinese Internet Shopping Malls”, International Journal of Contents, 2010, Vol.6 No.4, pp.62-68. 16. Kim, C., Wang, T., Shin, N.* and Kim, K.S. “An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Perception of Security and Trust in e-Payment Systems”, Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, 2010, Vol.9 No.1, pp.84-95. #
主要会议论文(2010年~) 1. Wang, T., Li, Y.L.*, Kang, M.H. and Zheng, H.C. “Exploring the Role of Perceived Interactivity in Establishing Behavioral Intention towards Enterprise 2.0”, China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS), Nanjing, China, accept, forthcoming. 2. Li, D.N., Wang, T.* and Kang, M.H. “Factors Affecting Users' Dynamic Message Deleting Intention on Social Networks: An Empirical Study based on Impression Management Theory”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Yokohama, Japan, 26-30 June, 2018. 3. Chen, Y.T., Kang, M.H., Wang, T.*, Zhang, Y.Y. and Li, Y.L. “Examining Information Sharing in Enterprise 2.0:Applying Theory of Attachment”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawii, Malaysia, 16-20 July, 2017. 4. Li, Y.L, Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H., Chen, Y.T. and Zhang, Y.Y. “Understanding Users' Intentions towards the Internet Consumer Credit Platform: Evidence from China”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawii, Malaysia, 16-20 July, 2017. 5. Zhang, Y.Y., Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H., Li, Y.Y. and Chen, Y.T. “Understanding Investment Intention towards Social Lending-Based on Social Exchange Theory”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawii, Malaysia, 16-20 July, 2017. 6. Meng, R.Y., Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H. and Zheng, H.C. “Understanding the Role of Commitments in Explaining Crowdfunding Investing Willingness: Antecedents and Consequences”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, 27 June-1 July, 2016. 7. Li, J.C., Zheng, H.C.*, Kang, M.H., Wang, T. and Chen, S.T. “Understanding Investment Intention towards P2P Lending: An Empirical Study”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, 27 June-1 July, 2016. 8. Gao, X.L., Liu, Y.Y., Gao, Y.W., Zhao, J.N. and Wang, T.* “Understanding the Role of Commitments in Explaining P2P Lending Investing Willingness: Antecedents and Consequences”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, 6-9 July, 2015. 9. Liu, Y.Y., Zhao, J.N., Gao, X.L. and Wang, T.* “Mediating Role of Trust in Crowdsourcing Platforms: An Empirical Study”, International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG), Hangzhou, China, 30 October-1 November, 2015. 10. Gao, Y.W., Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H. and Wang, M. “The Role of Switching Costs in O2O Platforms: Antecedents and Consequences”, International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG), Shanghai, China, 31 October- 2 November, 2014. 11. Wang, M., Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H. and Sun, S. “Understanding Perceived Platform Trust and Institutional Risk in Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms from Cognition-based and Affective-based Perspectives”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chengdu, China, 24-28 June, 2014. 12. Kang, M.H., Wang, T.*, Sun, S. and Gao, Y.W. “Exploring the Role of Switching Costs in Explaining Micro-group Adherence from the Socio-technical Perspective”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chengdu, China, 24-28 June, 2014. 13. Sun, S., Wang, T.*, Chen, L. and Wang, M. “Understanding Consumers’ Trust in Internet Financial Sales Platform: Evidence from YUEBAO”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chengdu, China, 24-28 June, 2014. 14. Wang, T., Kang, M.H.*, Fu, B. “Understanding User Acceptance of Micro-blog Services in China Using the Extended Motivational Model”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Jeju, South Korea, 18-22 June, 2013. 15. Fu, B., Wang, T.*, Kang, M.H. and Li, Q. “Explaining and Predicting Usage of Mobile TV Services : An Extension of The TAM Model”, International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG), Kunming, China, 8-10 November, 2013. 16. Wang, T., Jung, C.H., Chung, Y.S. and Kang, M.H. “Exploring the Role of Perceived Interactivity in Establishing Behavioral Intention in Micro-blog Environments”, International Mega Conference on Green and Smart Technology (GST), Jeju, South Korea, 30 November-2 December, 2012. 17. Wang, T., Fu, B.*, Kang, M.H. and Zhang, H. “Understanding the Role of Technical Features and Network Effects in Explaining Microblogging Acceptance”, International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG), Beijing, China, 21-22 October, 2012. 18. Wang, T., Chung, Y.S., Jung, C.H. and Piao, S. “Determinants of Customer’s Repurchase Intention in Chinese Internet Shopping Malls”, Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference (NAMEJC), Soul, South Korea, 13-14 November, 2010.
主要科研项目 1. 主持 “企业员工知识分享意向的演化模型研究”, 西南财经大学引进人才科研启动资助项目, 2013.1~2013.12 2. 主研“中国证券市场谣言研究:基于资产定价、投资者认知与金融监管的多维视角”, 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71303191), 2014.1~2016.12 3. 主持“基于企业2.0的知识转移行为对创新绩效的影响机制研究“, 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师成长项目(JBK150132), 2015.1~2015.12 4. 主持 “众筹募资人与平台信息披露问题研究:基于信任及利益相关者理论“,国家自然科学基金青年项目(71502145),2016.1~2018.12 5. 主持 “P2P网络信贷信息披露影响机制研究”,中央高校基本科研业务费年度培育项目(JBK160932),2016.1~2016.12 6. 主持“众筹融资信息披露监管研究”,互联网金融创新及监管四川省协同创新中心课题, 2016.1~2016.12 7. 主持 “众筹项目投资者与发起者决策行为研究:基于风险感知视角”, 中央高校基本科研业务费年度培育项目(JBK170137),2017.1~2017.12 8. 主持“互联网金融课程教学团队”,中央高校教育教学改革专项项目(2017TD19),2017.1-2017.12 9. 主研“信息不对称下的股权众筹互动与投资者让渡价值研究:基于心理契约理论”,国家自然科学基金青年项目(71702155),2018.1~2020.12 10. 主持“众筹互动与投资者感知价值循环影响机制研究:模型构建与实证分析”,中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师成长项目(JBK1801043),2018.1~2018.12 11. 主持“股权众筹领投人背书效应研究:模型构建与实证分析”,中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师成长项目(JBK1902032),2019.1~2019.12 12. 主持“社交众筹行为演化机理研究:模型构建与实证分析”,中央高校基本科研业务费年度培育项目(JBK2002031),2020.1~2020.12 13. 主持“股权众筹领投人背书影响机理研究:基于来源可信度及意义传递理论”,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(20YJC630146),2020.1~2022.12