■ 发表论文 1. Wenjie Zhang, Yun Xu, and Haichao Zheng (2019). "The antecedents and consequences of crowdfunding investors’ citizenship behaviors." Online Information Review.
■ 参与项目 1. 主持博士生中央高校项目《众包平台发起人欺诈行为检测——基于机器学习的三阶段模型分析》
■ 学术活动
1. 投稿并被邀参加 2019 International Conference on Digital Transformation for Finance and Economics 国际学术研讨会,并发表论文《Detecting Fraudulent Behavior on Crowdsourcing Platforms: The Role of Verbal and Nonverbal Cues in Static and Dynamic Contexts》 2. 投稿并被邀参加 The 8th Annual Meeting of China Association for Information Systems 国际信息系统协会中国分会第八届学术年会,并发表论文《Detecting Sponsors’ Fraudulent Behavior on Crowdsourcing Platforms: A Process Perspective》 3. 投稿并被邀参加 The 14th International Conference on Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development国际学术会议,并发表论文《The effect of real estate news on Chinese stock markets》