■ 发表论文 期刊论文 1. Yan Chen, Zhilong Xie, Wenjie Zhang, Rong Xing, Qing Li*(2020). Quantifying the Effect of Real Estate News on Chinese Stock Movements. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020: 1-26. 2. Rong Xing,Qing Li, Jingmei Zhao, Xiaoqing Xu (2019). Media-based Corporate Network and Its Effects on Stock Market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,:1-26. 3. Jun Wang, Zhilong Xie, Qing Li, Rong Xing, Yuanzhu Chen, Fengyun Wu (2019). Effect of Digitalized Rumor Clarification on Stock Markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2), 450-474.
学术会议论文 1. Rong Xing, Qing Li, Jingmei Zhao, Jiwen Huang (2020), The media-based corporate swarm on stock markets. 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). 2. Rong Xing, Qing Li, Di Zhang, Yao Wang, Denisa Rinprasertmeechai (2019), The effect of news bundling relationship on stock markets. 2019 International Conference on Digital Transformation for Finance and Economics (ICDTFE). 3. Yan Chen, Qing Li, Wenjie Zhang, Rong Xing (2019), Quantify the effect of real estate news on Chinese stock movements. 2019 International Conference on Digital Transformation for Finance and Economics (ICDTFE). 4. Yan Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Rong Xing, Jinghua Tan, Di Zhang, Qing Li (2018), The effect of real estate news on Chinese stock markets, The 14th International Conference on Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development. 5. Jinghua Tan, Jun Wang, Denisa Rinprasertmeechai, Rong Xing, Qing Li (2019), A Tensor-based eLSTM Model to Predict Stock Price using Financial News. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 6. Jun Wang, Qing Li, Jinghua Tan, Rong Xing, Fengyun Wu (2017), The Effect of Digitalized Rumor Clarification on Stock Markets. International Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions: Asset Pricing, Risk Management and Corporate Governance. 7. Jun Wang, Rong Xing, Jinghua Tan, Wenjin Zhao, Qing Li (2017), Rumor Clarification, Digital Platform, and Stock Movement. Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS 2017 SIGDSA Symposium.4., http://aisel.aisnet.org/sigdsa2017/4. 8. Rong Xing, Shenxin Dong, Qing Li, Xubin Luo, Jiang Duan (2017), Constructing Media-based Enterprise Networks for Stock Market Risk Analysis. The 17th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICBE).
■ 参与项目 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,71671141,基于大数据的互联网媒体对证券市场影响研究,在研,参研 2. 国家科技部国际合作项目,基于中国与马其顿的信息技术对数字经济发展的影响研究,在研,参研 3. 2020年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,基于媒体感知的证券市场智能风险分析技术研究,项目批准号:JBK2007203,在研,负责人
■ 学术活动
1. 2019年7月参加西南财经大学金融研究院内部学术研讨会,并对研究论文作报告 2. 2019年5月参加国际财经数字化转型学术会议,并对研究论文作报告 (International Conference on Digital Transformation for Finance and Economics, ICDTFE) 3. 2019年1月年赴美国夏威夷参加第52届夏威夷信息系统国际学术会议 (Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS) 4. 2018年12月赴日本京都,参加第十四届亚洲金融市场和金融发展国际学术会议 (The 14th International Conference on Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development) 5. 2017年12月赴韩参加顶级国际学术会议ICIS,并对研究论文作报告 (International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
■ 其他成果
1. 2017年作为团长,带领15名四川大学生赴香港参加为期一周的“四川大学生香港行”游学活动 2. 2015年3月作为世界越野竞标赛随队志愿者,独自负责土耳其代表队及埃塞俄比亚代表队比赛期间的所有事务 3. 2015年5月作为志愿者,参与2015贵阳国际大数据产业博览会暨全球大数据时代贵阳峰会,并获得优秀志愿者称号